Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Composition Workshop

Welcome and Hello to my composition workshop!

My name is Anthony Frank (Which I assume most of you already know as this blog is mainly intended for friends and family, but we'll go ahead with introductions anyways), I am currently training to become an American Sign Language interpreter at my collegiate program but have always had a love for music.  More than just playing music I am fascinated with arranging, composing, and improvising.  Until today however I have constantly run into the same problem over and over again.  What is that you ask?  Well, I will create a piece of music, maybe get tired of it after a while, forget it and then when I want to come back to it later, I don't remember it! (Much to the dismay of my wife) So of course, why not record and store online?  The perfect solution!  And then I have the opportunity to share it with others (Which is more nerve racking than you might imagine!).

Just as a quick note, many of the links on the site are not currently up and running, and I am working on remedying that ;) so hopefully soon we can see something a little more cohesive put together here =D

So without further ado, I present you my composition workshop! *Big Dramatic Effects* Which currently has no music... well I am working on that!  Promise to get some up soon :)

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